Irish Repertory Theatre Presents Sea Marks

The other evening I had the opportunity to see a very charming performance of the play Sea Marks, at The Irish Repertory Theatre which is located at 132 West 22nd Street.


I entered the theater only knowing what I had seen on a TV advertisement for the play which was that it was about a man who lived near the sea and a woman who lived in a city (Liverpool to be exact) and how they worked out their romantic relationship and the challenges involved in it.

So I really had no idea what to expect other than what I had seen on that particular TV advertisement for the play.

Well, let me say that the play was wonderfully charming and I highly recommend it!

When the play begins we meet Colm, played by an amazing actor, Patrick Fitzgerald whose life is one of a committed fisherman and who lives on the island of Cliffhorn Heads.

He’s never been married and he starts writing letters to Timothea very charmingly and eloquently played by Xanthe Elbrick whom he briefly, very briefly met at a wedding on his island a while back.

The play basically begins where we meet Colm and he announces his decision to write Timothea a letter.

Subsequently you begin seeing and hearing them both on stage (Colm up front and Timothea behind a screen towards the back of the stage) reading each other’s letters out-loud!

Now after about a year and a half of writing letters to each other, Colm suggests that Timothea attend another wedding to someone she was related to who lived on the island so that they could also meet at this point in time.

That’s because as previously mentioned she lived in Liverpool and worked in the publishing industry and he lived on this remote island where this second wedding was soon to take place!

So Timothea does to go the wedding because she found herself smitten by Colm’s writing and his poetic use of his words in all of his letters.

Now without wanting to give  the rest of the plot away, I will say that love and appreciation of each other does evolve but their living in two completely different types of geographic locations does ultimately becomes their major relationship challenge.

A challenge that at the end of the play which leaves each audience member wondering what will happen.

So if you want a lovely evening at the theater seeing stellar performances in a heart-touching tale of love and its challenges then click HERE and find out more!



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